What did literature ever teach us?
I suppose it depends who you ask, but for this English Lit minor...a lot. But I'd also argue that film carries its own influence on the world, perhaps more to some, and when you put those two together, well, that's where the magic happens. Pun intended. Accio wisdom!
In the immortal words of Albus Dumbledore
I have a child who still, at the ripe old age of 16, loves Harry Potter. Ever since he was a child, these are the only books he really ever wanted to read. On his own. Without threats or being held against his will.
And the same goes for the films. Even though we own all eight of them, whenever they're on TV (which is all. the. damn. time.) he finds them and watches them. Which of course means I watch them.
Magic is more than a fictional concept
I've seen the films countless times and read the books countless times, and yet, like so many things in life, sometimes you hear something you never heard before or perhaps, are just more receptive to hearing at that time. Whatever the case, these words gut-punched me.
For those not in the HP know, in the final book of the series, Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a wizard himself, uttered this at the very end of the film/book:
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic."

There's magic in them there words
The context is something around Harry, our protagonist, being concerned that he might lose his ability to perform magic. And Dumbledore's response is basically that magic is always inside us because we have the ability to use words.
Now, as a writer of words, and a lover of words, and a word professional, I've never thought about words being a source of magic. And yet, why wouldn't they be?
Words help us tell our own story.
Words help us connect to other people.
Words provide comfort and solace.
Words can be waved around and woven together.
Words can set the tone and then change it.
Words can convey every emotion.
Words can change our attitude.
Words are so unbelievably powerful. Of course they're magic!
No wand needed
I always tell my clients that you, and you alone, have the power to tell your own story. It doesn't matter what your job history is or that what you want to do isn't in the same field as what you used to do. You can use the power and magic of words to craft the story YOU want to tell.
You can consider how all that you've done is actually completely relevant to all you want to do, and position your story that way. Because our very experiences are what make us who we are, and how we shape those experiences helps us be who we want to become and guide us to where we want to go.
Words are the magic that makes that journey possible.
Words help us shine that light on what matters to us.
Words are the magic we all have within our grasp and within ourselves and we don't need a wand to bring them out. In the immortal words of Glinda the Good Witch, "you've always had the power my dear."
As always, if you need help using that power...